The Lompoc-Vandenberg Branch, AAUW was chartered April 21, 1964. In April 2014, we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the branch with a luncheon at the Village Country Club. Many past presidents traveled back to Lompoc to celebrate with us and AAUW CA President, Alicia Hetman, helped us mark this important milestone.
We contacted past presidents from the early days of the branch and recorded 50 years of memories from several scrapbooks into a PowerPoint presentation which our 50 guests enjoyed.
Lompoc-Vandenberg Branch Past Presidents
1964-65 Joyce Kaiserman
1965 Peggy Doole
1965-66 Louise Gray
1966-67 Tonya Schultz
1967-68 Maryann Goodwin
1968-70 Ruth Adams
1970-71 Neva Boyer
1971-72 Phyllis White
1972-73 Beth Mott
1973-74 Connie Savage
1974-75 Mary Holdsambeck
1975-77 Dianne Owens
1977-79 Barbara Schmidt
1979-80 Donna Wood
1980-81 Anne Les
1981-82 Brenda Seggerman
1982-84 Betty Staight
1984-86 Paula Higgins
1986-88 Julie Davies
1988-89 Lee Hipsher
1989-91 Phyllis Newton
1991-92 Kathleen Salli
1992-94 Edith Hicks
1994-95 Phyllis Newton, Penny Perdue
1995-96 Penny Perdue, Dorene Wellck
1996-97 Carol Ann Johnson, Anne Les
1997-98 Marell Brooks, Paula Higgins
1998-99 Marell Brooks, Edith Hicks
1999-00 Past Presidents in turn
2000-01 Marell Brooks
2001-02 Vice-Presidents in turn
2002-03 Carol Ann Johnson, Anne Les, Phyllis Newton
2003-05 Marell Brooks, Mary Vossler, Cecilia Walker
2005-07 Fran Clow
2007-08 Mary Vossler
2008-09 Jan Herber
2009-10 Sandy Healy, Donna Wood
2010-11 Sandy Healy, Jan Herber
2011-12 Mary Vossler
2012-16 Dianne Owens
2016- 20 Patricia Grijalva
2020-21 Pam Buchanan
2021-22 Patricia Grijalva
2022-23 Lucy Thoms-Harrington
Named Endowments
In 1982, the Lompoc-Vandenberg Branch Research & Projects Endowment was established, and in 1986, the endowment (#1266) was completed. From the interest earned each year, completed endowments fund Community Action Projects and Career Development Grants.
In 1987, AAUW CA established the Dianne Owens International Fellowship Endowment (#1647). This was completed in 1990 with a total of $100,000. From the interest earned each year, completed International Endowments fund women from other countries to study in the United States.
In 2000, AAUW CA established the Anne Les American Fellowship Endowment (#4168). This was completed in 2001 with a total of $100,000. From the interest earned each year, completed American Endowments fund American women to further their studies.
Named Gift Honorees to AAUW Funds
1966-67 Martha Negus
1968-69 Lompoc-Vandenberg Fifth Anniversary
1969-70 In honor of the Community, Ruth Adams
1970-71 Maryann Goodwin
1971-72 Responsive Government for a Better Environment
1972-73 Savino and Alice Lopez
1973-74 Lompoc-Vandenberg Tenth Anniversary, Lompoc Centennial
1974-75 Dr. Pearl Chase
1975-76 Grace Bell
1976-77 Dianne Owens, Olive King
1977-78 Beth Mott, Charlotte Benton
1978-79 Marlise Ross, Phyllis White
1979-80 Martha Bray, Fran Dyste, Barbara Bolton, Barbara Schmidt
1980-81 Donna Wood, Creative Arts Program, La Purisima Mission, Helen Valentine, Carol Nash
1981-82 Julie Yocum, Leona Cohig, Friends of the Library, SB Co. Commission on Women
1982-83 Helen Hartman, Rick Schmidt, David & Sandra Lemon, Kathy Salli
1983-84 Marell Brooks, Dee Forester, Anne Les, Betty Staight
1984-85 Debbie Murry, Pat Reigel, Allan Hancock College, YMCA
1985-86 Paula Reiner, Connie Steffen
1986-87 Carol Ann Johnson
1987-88 Julie Davies, Cee Frankhouser
1988-89 Marge Beebe, Lee Hipsher
1989-90 Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition
1990-91 Phyllis Newton, Kathy Asbury, June Klapakis
1991-92 Terrie McLaughlin, Kathy Salli, Doreen Wellck, Dave & Elaine Long
1992-93 Joyce Barker, Barbara Bolton, Penny Perdue, Kathy Woods
1993-94 Ruth Adams, Edith Hicks, Virginia Kern
1994-95 Lee Van Bergen
1995-96 Alice Milligan
1996-97 Addie Singleton
1997-98 Bess Christensen, Joyce Howerton
1998-99 Marell Brooks
1999-2000 Anne Les
2000-01 Janice Keller
2001-02 Virginia Kern, In memory of Helen Hartman, in memory of Brenda Seggerman
2002-03 Phyllis Newton, Kathy Salli
2003-04 Lompoc-Vandenberg Branch 40th Anniversary
2004-05 Joan O’Reilly, Mary Vossler
2005-06 Cecilia Walker
2006-07 Fran Clow
2007-08 Sandra Lemon & Family
2008-09 Jan Herber
2009-10 Wynn Clevenger
2010-11 Joyce Barker
2012-13 Sandra Healy
2013-14 Lompoc-Vandenberg Branch 50th Anniversary
Charter Members: Tonya Schultz, Myra Wapner, Donna Wood
2014-15 Cathy Trevino
2015-16 Barbara Bolton
2016-17 Julie Schneringer
2017-18 Pamela Buchanan, Dianne Owens
2018-19 Elena Jones, Kati Smith
2019-20 Pat Grijalva
2020-21 Lucy Thoms-Harrington